If you were injured in a pedestrian car accident in New York, or a loved one has suffered injury or death, you may be eligible to file a car accident lawsuit in NY and secure monetary damages for your ordeal.


Attorneys at Sanders & Kim can advise you as to your legal rights, can help collect medical records and police reports to use as evidence, and can represent you in settlement negotiations or at trial in a court of law. If a loved one has died tragically as a result of a pedestrian car crash, a wrongful death lawsuit may be the first step in seeking justice and closure for you and your family.


Compared to a large, metal motor vehicle, every human body is fragile and vulnerable. Pedestrians make especially vulnerable targets and victims, especially in New York—ranked the most dangerous city in the country for pedestrians by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Pedestrian Crash Report (NPCR).


Of 7,000 pedestrian car accidents in New York City observed over a 4 year period, pedestrians are 10 times more likely to lose their lives in auto accidents than vehicle occupants. Approximately 1 out of 3 pedestrian accidents were due to driver inattention; and even more alarming- one in three pedestrian fatalities were due to the driver’s failure to yield the right of way.

Damages Available To Victims 

Pedestrian accident victims and their families may be eligible for damages including medical expenses, time away from work, lost ability to earn a living, permanent disability, brain damage, scarring, pain and suffering, and other losses.  


Multi-million dollar accident settlements are awarded every year to pedestrians who have suffered serious injuries at the hands of negligent drivers.

Protect Your Legal Rights

Sanders & Kim’s dedicated trial lawyers have decades of experience in successfully handling pedestrian accident lawsuits on behalf of victims. Along with our team of engineers, medical experts, and investigators, we work tirelessly to build and pursue your case against the negligent parties who caused your injuries. In addition to our vast network of resources, we are experts in New York’s No-Fault insurance laws as well as underinsurance and Uninsured Motorist Coverage issues.

We are committed to winning justice for the surviving victims of pedestrian accidents—both those who survived their accidents, and loved ones grieving for those who did not.


If you or a loved one has been hurt in a pedestrian car accident in the five boroughs or Long Island, Sanders & Kim may be able to help. We offer a complimentary evaluation of your case, to help determine if you are eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit in New York


To arrange your confidential case review, call us at 718-358-9500 today. 


  1. New York City Pedestrian Safety Study & Action Plan